When I received the following message from the Director of BC Offshore School Programs I was thrilled.
I am now in a role that is quite truly meant for me based on my years of experience and knowledge in international education. My unique position allows me to help and support overseas owner/operators who want to create and build a British Columbia Offshore School in their home country.
There are three key reasons why this is so special.
1. BC has one of the most respected and highly regarded curriculums in the world. Students who graduate from a BC school receive a diploma that is accepted to universities around the world.
2. BC has the largest fleet of provincial offshore schools around the world with schools currently in Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Columbia, Egypt, France, Japan, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Taiwan, and Thailand.
3. Students in these countries can attend a BC Offshore school, can be educated using the BC curriculum, taught by BC certified teachers in English, while learning about Canadian culture.
I am inspired and motivated to bring our BC curriculum to more students from around the world. First stop...Vietnam!